Friday, October 19, 2007

What would they do

My ordeal started almost 8 weeks ago. On Aug 27 I went to my Comcast website to pay my $110 bill. Two days later my husband said that he could not use the ATM card to get money what was wrong. I ran to my computer to find out. Well the line item for my Comcast read $1,100.00. I called Comcast and after 30min on hold (I have kept track and my total is currently 3 hrs 48 mins) I was told that I could wait 5 to 10 days for a refund check or go to my local office and get a check.
Not one word was said if this was my error or something else. Now I assume that it is my error because no one else was using my fingers when I was paying my bill. But would I really approve for ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS extra to be paid on my bill, no.
So the next day Sep 1 I trot down to the McHenry, Ill office and wait in line to see the most unpleasant woman I have ever meet. When it is my turn I walk up to this woman and explain to her my issue. Her reply in a very loud voice "That is ridiculous no one would ever tell you to come here to get a check, we don’t do checks. That is not Comcast’s policy. No one would every tell you that" I asked her to check my account to see if there where any notes in there that could help. Her only reply was "oh, don’t know why they would tell you that"
I never did get the I'm sorry I yelled at you and pretty much said you where a liar in front of packed room of strangers, oh and have a nice day" I was looking for.
Since then I have talked to 6 customer service reps, two floor managers, one accounting agent, and one finance specialist. All of which who swear they will not only fix my problem but be the last person I would need to contact. The money was removed from my account for over 4 weeks while I waited for a check. When I called to see if there was a check number or something I could get I was told that no one knew what was going on and I had to go to my bank and fight this. Next day $880 was but back in. Keep in mind I'm still paying my bill and they keep deducting money for services. And every time they moved the money they charged me $2.00 Administration Fee.
I have been to my bank and my bank has been on the phone for over 46 mins (not included in my mins). They have written a letter. Still I have gotten nothing from Comcast. The last message I got last week. We have done all that we can here. Your refund has been approved here but needs to be approved by corporate. I suggest you get a new bank they should have been able to fix this for you right away.
Of all the people at Comcast I talked to not two of them ever told me the same thing of what the policy was. Now if someone owed them $1000.00 for over 8 weeks. What do you think they would do???
Kozntrbl in Ill customer number 8798100270591982

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